This page is my Now update hub, and I’ll be giving it a refresh every now and then.


On my day to day at Cortado I’m involved in the development of our iOS offering.
I also give a hand to our Thinprint and ezeep collegues with their macOS applications.


Waiting patiently for Dragonglight Season 4 to come out.

Been having a load of fun reading ‘Boyslut’ by Zachary Zane, which comes after devouring ‘Identity Politics’ by Francis Fukuyama.

Still lingering over how fantastic ‘Sea of Stars’ is, and at the same time how I should’ve bought a Steam Deck instead of a Switch.

Finishing version 3 of Ares, and already thinking about the refactor I need to do to Rede.


Me and my husband just got back from our Easter vacations, and we enjoyed it so much we’re considering options to move to the UK.

Moving from Portugal is something we talked about for a while, but the destination was always the problem. It’s now been decided.

Meanwhile I’m trying not to get too ashamed that I fractured my big toe 4 minutes after getting out of the car when visiting the Peak District…

If you’re a UK employer looking for an experience iOS developer, my CV is here, and more details can be found here. You can always through me an email as well.